Creating Publisher Quality Scores In TablEdit
These tutorials have been developed to demonstrate how publisher quality scores can be created using TablEdit notation and tablature editor. The tutorials have a three-fold purpose:
- Identify the notation elements necessary to qualify as publisher quality.
- Present an efficient approach for creating a complete score.
- Integrate in an orderly sequence the major features of TablEdit used to create a publisher quality score.
When completed, you should have developed a method for creating scores that best meets your approach to using the keyboard and mouse. Several alternatives are presented. In addition, the tutorials provide a handy reference on how TablEdit features are used. Below is a quick reference of the tutorial topics.
The tutorials were created using program version 2.65 d7. Some frames will appear slightly different on other versions. They are best viewed at a screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher. Although the tutorials were created using the Windows version of TablEdit, the basic concepts demonstrated apply to all OS versions (Mac, IOS for Ipad, etc.).
Tutorial Index
- Using The Tutorials
- General Options
- Display Options
- Screen Options
- Advanced Options
- Summary
- Multiple Or Block Selection
- Markers
- Upper And Lower Voice
- The Note Ruler
- Summary
- Open A New Tab
- Set Time Signature
- Set Key Signature
- Set Tempo, Picking Syncopation and Instrument
- Set Dynamic Level
- Set Song Title and Composer
- Summary
- Enter Notes With Auto Duration
- Perform Block Copy
- Mute (Muffle) Notes
- Force Stems Downward
- Enter Notes By Duration
- Force Stems Upward
- Set Pick-up Measure
- Entering Rests
- Summary
- Adjust Measure Width
- Enter Lower Voice With Pre-Set Muted Note
- Enter Upper Voice
- Tie Notes
- Enter Notes Using The Fretboard
- Break Beams
- Adding/Deleting Measures
- Summary
- Changing Screen Modes
- Endings And Repeats In Sheet Music
- Creating A Reading List
- Real World Example #1
- Real World Example #2
- Summary
Slurs, Syncopation and Tempo Changes
- Simple Bend
- Slides
- In-score Syncopation Change
- In-score Tempo Change
- Rolls and Brush Strokes
- Inserting Text And Macros
- Summary
- Create And Insert A Chord Diagram
- Create A Chord Diagram Wirh Fingerings
- Determine Unknown Chord Names
- Chords Up The Fretboard
- Positioning Chord Diagrams
- Summary
- Default Fret Hand Fingering
- Alternate Fret Hand Fingering Locations
- Enter Fret Hand Fingering on Tablature Line
- Precise Positioning Of Fingerings
- Summary
- Pick Hand Fingerings In Tablature
- Pick Hand Fingerings In Notation
- Summary
- Display Options
- Fonts Options
- Multitrack Options
- Page Layout Options
- General Options
- Printing Options
- Printer Drivers
- Summary
- Proportional Note Spacing @ Print Scale = 80%
- Quick View For Precise Note Positioning In A Measure
- Chords Above Notation @ Print Scale = 80%
- Chord Summary @ Print Scale = 100%
- Summary
- Review Of Important Topics
- Harmonizing The Melody Voice
- Harmonizing The Rhythm Voice With Ghost Notes
- Correcting Duration Errors
- Summary
- Open A New Xaphoon Score
- Enter Music Using Piano Keyboard
- Enter Notes Using Computer Keyboard
- Transposing For Optimum Xaphoon Key
- Clean Up The Score
- Summary
Advanced Tutorial Index
- Altering Accidentals (Sharp To Flat, Double Sharp, etc.)
- Accidental Horizontal Positioning
- Moving Notes Horizontally
- Adding A Double Stem To A Note
- Edit Example - Align Upper And Lower Voice Stems
- Altering Stem Length
- Altering Beam Length (2 Note, 4 Note, 8 Note)
- Edit Example - Middle Voice In Notation
- Summary
- Simple Bend
- Bend And Release
- Pre-Bend
- Pre-Bend And Release
- Unison Bend
- Natural Harmonics
- Artificial Harmonics
- Show Harmonics An Octave Lower In Notation